Face shield – response to the Covid19 pandemic
This project proposes the rapid manufacture of face shields as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for health care workers tackling the Covid19 pandemic. It is an emergency response, it is not an industrial or for-profit product.
To know more about why I propose this project visit here.
2.5cm (1″ inch) width elastic or strap. Each shield requires 70cm (27.5″ inch) of it.
3D printing material, in this example was used PLA. ABS or PET could also work.
One standard of-the-shelf backpack buckle was used in this example, a file for 3D printing one is provided below.
36cm by 24 cm (14″ by 11″ inch) of PETG (Glycol Polyethylene Terephthalate) 0.07 thickness, cutting file is provided below.
Assembly instructions
The first step is to sew the buckle at one end of the strap, Don’t be shy, make several passes to make a strong connection. This could be done by hand or sewing machine.
Next pass the other end of the strap through the buckle as shown in the images.
Lastly insert the shield into the support pieces, be sure to have the large rounded corners facing downwards.
Next pass the strap through the shield support as shown in image.
Be sure to align the shield support in a way that the opening for the shield face each other.
Adjust the headband to fit to your head. Adjust the shield position by sliding the shield supports back or forwards, the shield should cover as close to the ears as possible.
License and liability
This is an open source, royalty-free project. This a non-for-profit product and has not been approved by any government, health agency or certification institution anywhere in the world. If you download it, build it and/or use it you do so under your own responsibility. I Victor G. Martinez cannot and will not take any responsibility or liability, this is an experimental device, without warranty of any kind.